Scratch is a visual block programming language that allows individuals of all ages to learn how to make interactive, multimedia projects like animated stories, book reports, science projects, games, and simulations in a fun and engaging way.
Scratch encourages problem-solving abilities, which are useful in all aspects of life, not only programming. We don't need to write code to accomplish operations on this platform; everything is done with drag and drop, much like in Visual Basic this is what makes Scratch so special!
It's a free platform developed by the MIT Media Lab's Lifelong Kindergarten division. It's written in ActionScript and JavaScript and works on any operating system.
Four most important elements of Scratch:
Block Palette
Stage Area
These are the program's primary characters. It's a graphical element that's created with the help of a Block palette. With the help of blocks, we can make our Sprite move, jump, say things and more. By default, Cat is our Sprite but we can also create our very own Sprites.
A script is a collection of blocks, or "stack," that are all interconnected. The sequence of the blocks is crucial since it determines how sprites interact with one another and with the Stage. Everything in the script specifies what kind of operation sprites should perform. It instructs the characters on what they should do or say. A script is used to program each and every sprite.
Block Palette:
It contains all the essential tools like Motion, control, looks, sensing, sound, operators, pen, and variables which helps us to make Sprite do something.
Every element of a program such as a loop, condition available in the block palette.
The Block Palette is an area located to the left of the code area.
Stage Area:
Your sprites will move, draw, and interact on the Stage. The Stage is 480 pixels wide and 360 pixels tall. The x-coordinate of the Stage's center is 0 and the y-coordinate is 0. This is where everything happens, including animations and you can see visuals in small and regular sizes, as well as a full-screen option.